Sarapanch of Yaroo Gram Panchayat
Contact : 7006798384
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Elected On : 2020
Samiti Sabhya of Yaroo Gram Panchayat
Contact : 0000000000
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Elected On : 2020
Name | Contact |
Bashir Ahmad Wani | |
Bilal Ahmad Chopan | |
Fayaz Ahmad Bakshi | |
Ghulam Ahmad Bhat | |
Ghulam Rasool Sofi | |
Mubeena Begum | |
Shahzada Begum |
Yaroo Gram panchayat is located at Langate block of Kupwara district, Jammu & Kashmir. It is popular and developed panchayat of this area.
Azad Ahmad Bhat is the Sarpanch of Yaroo gram panchayat of Kupwara district, Jammu & Kashmir. He is a very elegant and dynamic leader of this panchayat. He had done many great activities to improve his panchayat. So all the people of this panchayat like and respect him.