Welcome to Wagoora B Gram Panchayat

Dilshad Ahmad malik

Sarapanch of Wagoora B Gram Panchayat

Contact : 9797909072

Email : dm2051256@mail.com

Elected On : 2019

Sarapanch Image

Samiti Member

Samiti Sabhya of Wagoora B Gram Panchayat

Contact : 0000000000

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Elected On : 2019

Samiti Sabhya

Ward Members of Wagoora B Gram Panchayat

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About Wagoora B Gram Panchayat

Wagoora B gram panchayat is located at Baramulla district of Jammu & Kashmir. Here many people are living of different languages like Kashmiri and Gujari, Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi. It is away of 13 km from the state capital Srinagar.

About Dilshad Ahmad malik

Dilshad Ahmad malik is the Sarpanch of Wagoora B Gram Panchayat of Wagoora block, Baramulla district , Jammu & Kashmir. He is a good supporter , polite and calm leader of this panchayat. He always gives his best effort and work hard to develop his panchayat and looks after people of this panchayat.