Sarapanch of Thirumalagandi Gram Panchayat
Contact : 7382734511
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Elected On : 2022
Samiti Sabhya of Thirumalagandi Gram Panchayat
Contact : 0000000000
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Elected On : 2022
Name | Contact |
Thirumalagandi Gram Panchayat is located at Gangaram block of Mahabubabad District, Telangana.
Eesam Ramadevi is the Sarpanch of Thirumalagandi Gram Panchayat Gangaram Mandal of Mahabubabad district, Telangana. She is a dynamic and charming woman leader of this panchayat. She always supports women empowerment. She always helps to gram panchayat members to improve and develop her panchayat. Sh