Welcome to Renga Gram Panchayat

Smt Nabina Hantal

Sarapanch of Renga Gram Panchayat

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Elected On : 2022

Sarapanch Image

Samiti Member

Samiti Sabhya of Renga Gram Panchayat

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Elected On : 2022

Samiti Sabhya

Ward Members of Renga Gram Panchayat

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About Renga Gram Panchayat

Renga Gram Panchayat, Semiliguda Block, Koraput district of Odisha.

About Smt Nabina Hantal

Smt Nabina Hantal is the Sarpanch of Renga Gram panchayat of Koraput district of Odisha. She is a good woman leader of the panchayat and she always thinks about the local people's growth and tries to develop the panchayat.