Welcome to Ramkya Thanda Gram Panchayat

Smt Amali Dharavath

Sarapanch of Ramkya Thanda Gram Panchayat

Contact : 9705092629

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Elected On : 2019

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Samiti Member

Samiti Sabhya of Ramkya Thanda Gram Panchayat

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Elected On : 2019

Samiti Sabhya

Ward Members of Ramkya Thanda Gram Panchayat

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About Ramkya Thanda Gram Panchayat

Ramkya Thanda Gram Panchayat, Raghunadhapalem Mandal, Khammam district of Telangana.Ramkya Thanda Gram Panchayat is a famous gram panchayat of Raghunadhapalem Mandal.

About Smt Amali Dharavath

Smt Amali Dharavath is the Sarpanch of Ramkya Thanda Gram Panchayat, Raghunadhapalem Mandal of Khammam district, Telangana. She always thinks about her people and villages. She also always trying to improve the socio economic and cultural environment of this panchayat as well as other areas. All the people like elders, youth and children of this panchayat like her and respect her.