Welcome to Peddanagaram Gram Panchayat

Smt Pulichitha Kalamma

Sarapanch of Peddanagaram Gram Panchayat

Contact : 9912508731

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Elected On : 2022

Sarapanch Image

Samiti Member

Samiti Sabhya of Peddanagaram Gram Panchayat

Contact : 0000000000

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Elected On : 2022

Samiti Sabhya

Ward Members of Peddanagaram Gram Panchayat

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About Peddanagaram Gram Panchayat

Peddanagaram Gram Panchayat, is located at Peddanagaram Village of Narsimhulapet Block, Mahabubabad District of Telangana State. Most of the Telugu families are Living in this Peddanagaram Gram Panchayat. Agriculture is the main sources of income of the people.

About Smt Pulichitha Kalamma

Smt Pulichitha Kalamma is the sarpanch of Peddanagaram Gram panchayat of Narsimhulapet block, Mahabubabad district of Telangana. She is a very dynamic woman leader of this Gram Panchayat. She is a social thinker and She always trying to motivate womens for Social and economic development.