Sarapanch of Nimakhandi Pentha Gram Panchayat
Contact : 9937352101
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Elected On : 2022
Samiti Sabhya of Nimakhandi Pentha Gram Panchayat
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Elected On : 2022
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Mini Muni |
Nimakhandi Pentha Gram Panchayat is located in Digapandi Block of Ganjam District, Odisha. Nimakhandi Pentha Gram Panchayat have one High school, six UP school, one ANM Centre, Nine Anganwadi center and one newly opened Jana Arogya Seba. Biju pathagara and mission Shakti also functions in this panchayat. This panchayat is one of a popular panchayat of Digapandi Block.
Smt. Sasmita Rani Gouda is the Sarpanch of Nimakhandi Pentha Gram Panchayat of Digapandi Block, Ganjam, Odisha. She is a very dynamic woman leader of this Gram Panchayat. She is a social thinker, always think for panchayat development. She always trying to motivate womens for Social and economic dev