Sarapanch of Naharkheda Gram Panchayat
Contact : 9617446060
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Elected On : 2022
Samiti Sabhya of Naharkheda Gram Panchayat
Contact : 0000000000
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Elected On : 2022
Name | Contact |
Naharkheda Gram Panchayat is located at Susner block of Agar Malwa district, Madhya Pradesh.
Vikram Singh is the sarpanch of Nahrkheda gram panchayat of Agar Malwa district of Madhya Pradesh. He is a good supporter and well known leader of this panchayat. He always tries to improve his panchayat as well as to develop the standards of the people and solve their problems smoothly thus all the people like him and respect him.