Sarapanch of Kistapuram Gram Panchayat
Contact : 9951405563
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Elected On : 2022
Samiti Sabhya of Kistapuram Gram Panchayat
Contact : 0000000000
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Elected On : 2019
Name | Contact |
Kistapuram Gram Panchayat, Kusumanchi Mandal, Khammam district of Telangana,Kistapuram Gram Panchayat is a famous gram panchayat of Kusumanchi Mandal.
Smt Pandiri Padma is the Sarpanch of Kistapuram Gram Panchayat, Kusumanchi Mandal of Khammam district, Telangana. She is a charming and supportive woman leader of this panchayat. She always trying to motivate womens for Social and economic development.