Sarapanch of Hard Panzoo Gram Panchayat
Contact : 7006248348
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Elected On : 2018
Samiti Sabhya of Hard Panzoo Gram Panchayat
Contact : 0000000000
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Elected On : 2018
Name | Contact |
Hard Panzoo gram panchayat is located at Sukhnag block of Budgam district, Jammu and Kashmir. It is an improving and well known panchayat of this area.
Dr Mohammad Ashraf Khan (s/o - Sher Mohammad Khan) is the Deputy Sarpanch of Hard Panzoo gram panchayat of Sukhnag block of Budgam district, Jammu and Kashmir. He is a very supportive and active leader of this panchayat. He always thinks about the development of his panchayat as well as he helps the people of this panchayat. He is acting as State secretary Muslim Rashtriya Munch, Jammu and Kashmir and also Panchayat member of panchayat council jkut's. He is very respective and well known leader and all the villagers like him so much.