Sarapanch of Hango Gram Panchayat
Contact : 9418448162
Email :
Elected On : 2022
Samiti Sabhya of Hango Gram Panchayat
Contact : 0000000000
Email :
Elected On : 2022
Name | Contact |
Rajni | 9015265070 |
panma thuptan | 9015169416 |
Savrop Kumari | 9015056809 |
Pooja | 8219013810 |
Parbhu Lal | 7650927832 |
Hango Gram Panchayat is located at block Pooh, Kinnnaur district of Himachal Pradesh.
Suraj Moni is sarpanch of Hango Gram Panchayat, Pooh Block, Kinnnaur district of Himachal Pradesh. She is a very good supporter and honourable woman leader of this panchayat. She also always trying to improve the socio economic and cultural environment of this panchayat .