Welcome to Bokkolonipalle Gram Panch Gram Panchayat

G Govindhu Yadav

Sarapanch of Bokkolonipalle Gram Panch Gram Panchayat

Contact : 9912269593

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Elected On : 2022

Sarapanch Image

Samiti member

Samiti Sabhya of Bokkolonipalle Gram Panch Gram Panchayat

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Elected On : 2022

Samiti Sabhya

Ward Members of Bokkolonipalle Gram Panch Gram Panchayat

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About Bokkolonipalle Gram Panch Gram Panchayat

Bokkolonipalle Gram Panchayat is located in Mahabubnagar Mandal of Mahabubnagar district of Telangana State.

About G Govindhu Yadav

Shree G Govindhu Yadav is the sarpanch of Bokkolonipalle Gram Panchayat of Mahabubnagar Mandal of Mahabubnagar district of Telangana. Shree G Govindhu Yadav is a very dynamic leader of this panchayat. He is always like to solve the problems of the people. He is also very helpful, polite and simple nature.