Sarapanch of Barah Gram Panchayat
Contact : 93027 7141
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Elected On : 2022
Samiti Sabhya of Barah Gram Panchayat
Contact : 0000000000
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Elected On : 2022
Name | Contact |
Barah Gram Panchayat is located at Agar Malwa district of Madhya Pradesh. Barah Panchayat is one of the popular panchayat of Agar Malwa district. This panchayat profile is promoted by Our Panchayat Portal.
Babu bhai is the sarpanch of Barah Gram panchayat of Agar Malwa District , Madhya Pradesh.He is a very respective and honourable person of this panchayat, the people of this panchayat love and respect him for his activities done to improve this panchayat.